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尼康 Nikon D2X固件下載 數(shù)碼單鏡反光照相機D2X win版 os版 升級 刷機A: Ver.2.00 / B: Ver.2.00d2xv200jw.exe(約1.16 MB) 新版本 windows MacOS 免費

尼康 Nikon D2X固件下載 數(shù)碼單鏡反光照相機D2X win版 os版 升級 刷機A: Ver.2.00 / B: Ver.2.00d2xv200jw.exe(約1.16 MB) 新版本 windows MacOS 免費
更新時間2009/01/19 點擊數(shù) 6100 1.16 MB 點我下載

D2X firmware


  • Windows
  • Mac OS


About this firmware:

This firmware update upgrades the Nikon D2X 'A' and 'B' firmware from version 1.01 or earlier?to version 2.00. When performing this update, be sure to upgrade both the 'A' and 'B' firmware. If these firmware versions are?already installed on your camera then you do not need to proceed with this update .
This firmware adds many of the features found in the D2X, for a detailed list of the features added to the camera with this firmware update? click here.

Quick guide for download and installing this firmware
  1. Download and expand the firmware files.
  2. Format an approved memory card in the camera (Microdrives cannot be used).
  3. Connect D2X to computer (in MSC Mass Storage USB mode) or use a CF Card Reader (if copying the firmware upgrade to memory card, do not use a Lexar Media JumpShot USB cable as the D2X firmware update may not be performed correctly).
  4. Copy one of the downloaded files "A D2X200.bin" (A firmware) or "BD2X200.bin" (B firmware) to the top level of the card. Do not copy both files to the card at the same time .
  5. Disconnect the camera from the computer.
  6. Turn the camera on, press the "Menu" button and select "firmware Ver".
  7. Follow the camera's on-screen menus.
  8. At completion of upgrade turn the camera off.
  9. Repeat steps 2 - 7, to perform the second firmware update.
  10. Re-format Card.

For a detailed guide on how to download and install this firmware click here

* Compatible OS:
Windows 98 SE
Windows 2000
Windows ME
Windows XP
About this firmware:

This firmware update upgrades the Nikon D2X 'A' and 'B' firmware from version 1.01 or earlier to version 2.00. When performing this update, be sure to upgrade both the 'A' and 'B' firmware. If these firmware versions are already installed on your camera then you do not need to proceed with this update .
This firmware adds many of the features found in the D2X, for a detailed list of the features added to the camera with this firmware update click here.

Quick guide for download and installing this firmware
  1. Download and expand the firmware files.
  2. Format an approved memory card in the camera (Microdrives cannot be used).
  3. Connect D2X to computer (in MSC USB mode) or use a CF Card Reader (if copying the firmware upgrade to memory card, do not use a Lexar Media JumpShot USB cable as the D2X firmware update may not be performed correctly).
  4. Copy one of the downloaded files "AD2X200.bin" (A firmware) or "BD2X200.bin" (B firmware) to the top level of the card . Do not copy both files to the card at the same time.
  5. Disconnect camera from the computer.
  6. Turn camera on, press the "Menu" button and select "firmware Ver".
  7. Follow the camera's on-screen menus.
  8. At completion of upgrade turn the camera off.
  9. Repeat steps 2 - 7, to perform the second firmware update.
  10. Re-format Card.

For a detailed guide on how to download and install this firmware click here

* Compatible OS:
Mac OS 9.0.4-9.2.x
Mac OS X version 10.1.5-10.4


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